Privacy Policy


Yachtory devotes high priority to protection of personal data, and the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred as ‘Policy’) governs the treatment of your data regarding use of our services.

What data we collect and why?

Your privacy is important so we collect only data required for:

  • providing customer service and support,
  • improving your customer experience,
  • improving services and informing of enhanced or new services developed for you,
  • compliance with legal regulations.

You provide us with data by filling forms when using services, we collect them automatically when you use Yachtory or from external sources while using a service from your external partner at Yachtory (eg. card-payments etc.).

We collect data you entered at:

  • registering, filling polls, surveys or other online forms,
  • communication with other users through Yachtory messages/notes,
  • providing customer support,
  • advices or responses to objections,
  • other activities through Yachtory.

This method collects name, addresses, contact details and other data you enter.

We can also automatically collect data available at access and use of Yachtory:

  • geolocation (only if you have approved the use),
  • informations on the device you use (model, IMEI, mobile network etc.),
  • records on using services that may contain IP addresses, time and duration of access, browser type, means of access to Yachtory, pages viewed or used application functionalities, errors etc.
  • content, time and duration of phone conversation with Yachtory and the phone number of the incoming call,
  • what services, when and how you use them.

We will ask for the specific permission:

  • when collecting and processing special categories of personal data, such as sexual orientation, health status, religious orientation etc.
  • Yachtory services are not intended for users under 16 years of age, but for the collected or processed data we cannot estimate if they refer to minors. We advice parents and custodians to teach children on how to handle personal data in a safe and responsible manner when using internet.

How your data will be dealt with?

Collected data, as well as data brought to our knowledge through services will be processed exclusively for the purpose:

  • they were give for,
  • you gave a personal consent to,
  • legally based on: applicable legislation, legitimate interests or Terms of use.

You have a right to:

  • have knowledge on what personal data of yours we have and process,
  • request corrections,
  • obtain your data in digital form,
  • withdraw at any given consent partially or complete, and at any time.

In case of an objection concerning your legal rights you can complain to the competent Agency for protection of personal data.

We can use your data to:

  • provide you informations and help,
  • provide and facilitate use of Yachtory,
  • adapt content to your interests,
  • conduct surveys and adjust to your needs,
  • inform you of new and updated services,
  • provide you informations on events and special offers from Yachtory,
  • provide informations from our partners that might interest you,
  • prevent frauds or other prohibited and illegal activities,
  • protect security and integrity of Yachtory and your data,
  • run business and statistic analysis and according to them develop new services and products,
  • fulfil legal obligations.

We do not sell, rent or borrow any list of our users or their personal data to third parties..

Data we have made anonymous or aggregated the way a physical person cannot be recognized any more we do not consider as personal data.

How do we protect your data?

We are fully committed to data protection from unauthorised access, disclosure or removing, regardless on the location of storage, processing, or formate they are stored in.

We cooperate with reliable and professional partners.

We apply acknowledged standards of information security by:

  • implementing technical and organisational measures of protection based on the risk assessment,
  • verified data collecting, storing and processing,
  • whenever possible, all data are anonymous or under pseudonyme,
  • taking measures that can identify and/or prevent unauthorised collect or misuse of personal data, and minimise potential damage.

We shall take measures to secure the integrity of data and availability of processing systems considering latest technological achievements, and all data will be stored at highly available data-base center in Singapore.

We are aware there are no completely safe systems and that security has to be continuously improved.

Both you and all other users of Yachtory are our partners in security. Update your data continuously thus enabling us to send you recommendations how to protect your data from abuse.

With whom shall we share your data?

Exclusively with partners in contractual relationship and only data necessary for provision of certain services. All persons having access to your data as well as our partners have contract relating confidentiality obligations as well as obligations to conduct organisational and technical security measures.

If they are prescribed by law for the purpose of:

  • undertaking applicable laws, byelaws or other regulations,
  • detecting, preventing or solving of frauds and security or technical problems related to Yachtory or users’ personal data.

What cookies and tools we use?

We use tools to analyse usage of Yachtory and collect informations on your habits and activities to recognize, as good as possible, your needs in purpose of improving the quality of offers.
We use our cookies as well those from our partners to recognize your computer and provide you with better service.
Collected data will not be associated to your personal data on Yachtory.
By appropriate setting on your computer, browser or mobile device you can decline or erase cookies and continue to use Yachtory. In that case most of the Yachtory functions might not be available to you.
Listed tools can collect and store technical data such as cookies, IP address of user and/or visitor, IMEI, browser data etc., but without identifying any individual person.

The rights to erasure and restriction processing

At any moment you can request to erase your personal data collected within use of Yachtory or restrict the purpose of use of your data, partially or complete.
Your data or settings can be modified through the Yachtory interface or you can simply sign out from the list of promotions recipients through the link within electronic mail.
Request for erasure or restriction of processing can be rejected if we cannot confirm your identity as the owner of specific personal data or if there are some other legal limits.
Erasure of personal data can be requested in written form sent to our address or by electronic mail sent to [email protected].
Upon erasure request we will confirm receipt and start the procedure of identification and therefore uniquely connect you to data within Yachtory and effectively erase them.
Your data will be stored depending on purpose and according to applicable regulations or legitimate interests arising from or relating to use of Yachtory and will be erased at the expiry of defined period.
For example, records related to financial transactions, invoices or receipts shall be kept in accordance to legally defined period, other categories of data shall be kept for the period we have determined.

The right to data portability

As an owner of the active user account you can at any moment request to transfer your data and content toward another provider.
Request can be rejected if we cannot confirm your identity as the owner of specific personal data.
You can download your data personally through user interface for registered users ‘My profile’.
Data you cen download digitally are: your name and the contact details.
We protect privacy of our users and do not allow downloading of contents that can infringe your or other users’ rights.
Due to technical restraints we can not enable automatized data transfer to other provider.

The right to information (data access)

You are the owner of your data and have the right to information what data we keep or process and can request additional information.
Request can be rejected if we cannot confirm your identity as the owner of specific personal data or if there is some other restriction.
Your data may be reviewed through registered user interface ‘My profile’.
If you need more informations or are not registered as user of Yachtory send us a request in written form to our address or by electronic mail sent to [email protected].

The right to data rectification

It is important to have correct data so, please, check them occasionally.
Request to rectification can be rejected if we cannot confirm your identity as the owner of specific personal data and you will be notified if there is any other rectification restriction.

Links to other sites

By Yachtory you can find links that will take you to pages of other subjects to whom our Privacy policy is not applicable.
In case you left Yachtory pages by following a link, we kindly ask you to get acquainted with other’s policies of privacy and how they protect your personal data.

Notification on changes and contacts

Occasionally we can change these rules and changes of the Policy will be published on Yachtory page.
Publication of the Policy has been carried out on 1 June 2024 and shall apply from 1 June 2024.
In case of changes of the Policy preceding versions can be requested by electronic mail on [email protected].
If you register or continue using Yachtory after the Privacy policy changes are being applied you confirm being aware of applicable rules and agree to data processing for stated purposes.
Queries and complaints related to this Policy as additional informations related to collected personal data of yours through using Yachtory can be obtained by request in written form to our address or by electronic mail sent to [email protected].